WUR Symposium: Bluetongue and other exotic viruses
March 11, 2025 | 13.00 - 18.30 h | Agora Theater, Lelystad
About the event
Bluetongue and other exotic viruses is the titel of the WUR symposium to be held on March 11, 2025. The symposium will address recent developments with regards to bluetongue and other viruses. Topics have been selected in conjunction with dr. Piet van Rijn, expert on bluetongue and other exotic viruses and vaccine development. Van Rijn recently retired from Wageningen Bioveterinary Research, part of Wageningen University & Research.
The symposium will honor the developments and progress made in the field of bluetongue and other exotic viruses, to which among others, Piet van Rijn dedicated his research career.
The symposium is hosted by Wageningen Bioveterinary Research and will take place in the Agora Theater in the city center of Lelystad (the Netherlands).
Keynote speakers are Stéphan Zientara of ANSES (France) and Carrie Batten of the Pirbright Institute (United Kingdom)
The symposium language will be English.
13.00 h Doors open
13.30 h Welcome address
13.45 u Part 1. Bluetongue developments
Keynote: Stéphan Zientara (ANSES, France)
Additional contributions from: René van de Brom (Royal GD), Melle Holwerda (WBVR) and others (to be confirmed)
15.30 h Tea break
16.00 h Part 2. Exotic viruses
Keynote: Carrie Batten (Pirbright, United Kingdom)
Additional contributions: Marianne Sloet (UU, faculteit Diergeneeskunde) and others (to be confirmed)
17.00 h Looking back on a long research career in virology by Piet van Rijn
17.30 h Drinks & bites
Agora Theater
Agorabaan 12
8224 JS Lelystad
WUR Symposium Bluetongue and other exotic viruses
WUR Symposium Bluetongue and other exotic virusescommunicatie.bvr@wur.nl
WUR Symposium Bluetongue and other exotic virusescommunicatie.bvr@wur.nlhttps://event.wur.nl/bluetongue
WUR Symposium Bluetongue and other exotic virusesWUR Symposium Bluetongue and other exotic viruses0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
To be announcedTo be announced