Living Labs Workshop  


Can Living Labs help foster the Science-policy interface? If yes, under what conditions?
Date  Tuesday 5 November 2024
Mundo Matongé SA/NV 0434.973.536
Rue d'Edimbourg 26
1050 Brussels
Organised by FACCE-JPI
Co-organisors Aarhus University, JPI-HDHL, CREA, ILVO
  1. to present case studies of various agriculture, food, and environment Living Labs that have aimed to influence policy through different pathways.
  2. to identify the most effective practices and strategies for integrating scientific research and innovation with policy development to address complex societal challenges.
Aimed at Beginners and experienced professionals in Living Labs as a Science Policy Interface tool.
Outcome Workshop Synthesis Paper: Insights and Strategies from Agroecosystem Living Labs at the Science-Policy Interface
Facilitator Anna Kirkegaard Vaast




Introduction and presentation of agenda
Formal welcome to participants with introduction of the purpose of the workshop and present the agenda.


Introduction with Keynotes Lectures:

Living Labs in the Science-Policy Interface

Lectures on the following topics:

  • What is a Living Lab and how can be used as a tool in the Science-Policy interface?
  • What is a Policy Lab?
  • What are the Defining Characteristics of Agroecosystem Living Labs?
  • What is the difference between advising and involving and co-creating policymakers and stakeholders in the science-policy interface?
  • What is the difference between an evidence-producing Living Lab and a Policy Lab?


Coffee break


Introduction with Keynote lectures:

Living Labs in the Science Policy Interface
Same as above.


Case study bazaar: Agroecosystem Living Labs and the Science-Policy Interface

Participants will ‘browse’ through various case studies that showcase the interactions between Agroecosystem Living Labs and the Science-Policy Interface. The objective is to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of multiple approaches to the science-policy interface in Agroecosystem Living Labs through real-world examples and direct interaction with presenters. Each case study will be presented at a unique ‘stall’ where a speaker, acting as the stallholder, presents their testimony with the help of a visual poster. Case studies will be selected to highlight different factors and approaches to the science-policy interface, including:

•             Policy labs

•             Evidence-producing living labs

•             Top-down processes: (e.g. Living Laboratories Initiative in Canada)

•             Bottom-up processes 

Perspectives from different actors around a Living Lab: Organisers vs. Researchers vs Policymakers vs. Other Stakeholders (e.g. Occitanum Living Lab, FoodPilot Living Lab, AGROFORSYLL Living Lab)




Gathering ideas: Silent Brainstorm

Introduction (5mins)

Participants put up post-its on posters with different questions in silence (20 min) (see below)

•             How to incentivise the involvement of policymakers (local, regional, city, and national)?

•             How do we maintain scientific integrity when using a co-creation stakeholder approach?

•             Keys to success: Driving actors: what is the difference between top-down vs bottom-up processes

•             How to deal with different values and framings from different stakeholders?

•             How do living labs and policy labs relate to or feed into policy processes? (including emerging processes such as citizen assemblies?)

•             How to ensure living labs are transformative or have the intended impact?

•             How to make sure the living lab/policy lab is equitable and just?

Participants go to the posters they want to discuss further and 1 of the organizers/taskforce are standing with each poster.


Coffee break


Group reflection in fish bowl format


Ending the workshop Thanks to the participants, a few words on what happens from here with all the inputs, if possible – what are some of the major points from the day? Maybe some practical notes on dinner? Maybe just Thank you 😊

Optional: visit to Parliamentarium

Dinner at Radisson Red Hotel