Stakeholder Dialogue
Healthy & Safe Food Systems
Are you a changemaker, who shapes and drives the changes needed in the food system? Than join us in the discussion, think along in formulating a strategy and defining actions and be a part of our community on Tuesday Afternoon 29 June. A collective action is needed to better understand and tackle these challenges. This means that we need to engage with each other and include perspectives of the actors in the food system.
How can we strengthen each other in defining specific research questions to be able to make a change and to implement the solutions?
We need a food system that is inclusive and sustainable in providing healthy and safe food products. Achieving this will be possible with a systems approach with consideration of multiple aspects; sustainable food production and products as well as consumption patterns. There are many challenges to tackle; Food-related diseases such as obesity and diabetes type 2 are increasing at an alarming rate. On the other hand, novel pathogens are emerging in our foods and food fraud is on the rise.
“Good knowledge development of today is the basis for sustainable and healthy food of tomorrow.” - Marjan van Creij (Ministry of Agriculture, Nature & Food Quality)
But we need each other! Your presence will be appreciated to truly find answers together, in this dialogue, connecting in a pre-competitive collaboration with other researchers and stakeholders to explore routes for change. You can provide input, advice and recommendations, including points of difference and unique values, to align a strategy to bring us forward, identify ways to facilitate and accelerate solutions.
In this interactive dialogue, we will first listen to future outlooks by Peter Paul Mertens (MT member Strategy, Knowledge and Innovation at the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature & Food Quality), Edith Feskens (Professor Global Nutrition at WUR), Marcel van Haren (Director at GMV and Programme Manager Agriculture, Water and Food at FME), Amelia Jarman (Future Health and Wellness R&D Director at Unilever), Sridhar Kumaraswamy (CEO at Ancora Health) and more to be announced. After these visionary stories, we will engage with you to, together, explore viable routes on which we can collaborate, focusing on Data Driven & High Tech Innovations; Empowering Health with Food, Nutrition and Lifestyle; Emerging Risks & Preparedness; Food Safety & Traceability; Sustainable Food Production. You can find the detailed programme here.
Registration is closed. If you have any questions please contact us at
This dialogue is developed with support of Wageningen Dialogue, aiming at unraveling complex challenges together through dialogue. For more information, you may contact Simone Ritzer, programme facilitator Wageningen Dialogue.
Stakeholder Dialogue | Safe & Healthy Food Systems
Gulden Yilmaz | Programme Lead Healthy & Safe Food
Gulden Yilmaz | Programme Lead Healthy & Safe Food Systemswageningen.dialogue@wur.nl
Stakeholder Dialogue | Safe & Healthy Food SystemsStakeholder Dialogue | Safe & Healthy Food Systems0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
To be announcedTo be announced