About Netherlands Centre for One Health
Netherlands Centre for One Health (NCOH) aims for an integrated One Health approach to tackle the global risk of infectious diseases. NCOH commits to create durable solutions for this major challenge by bundling world-leading academic top research in the Netherlands in the area of One Health.
Global Solutions to One Health challenges
The NCOH addresses four major global One Health challenges from the combined One Health perspectives of public, livestock and wildlife and ecosystems health. The Strategic Research Agenda is organised in four themes: Tackling Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR), Emerging Infectious Diseases Preparedness (EID), Smart and Healthy Farming (SHF), and Healthy Wildlife and Ecosystems (HWE)
NCOH Partners
NCOH brings together academic research institutes in the Netherlands that are active in One Health research together with other leading parties to forge an open innovation network with the capacity to take joint responsibility for finding answers to global One Health challenges. Current full partners:
- Amsterdam UMC
- Erasmus Medical Center (Erasmus MC)
- Leiden University (LU)
- Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC)
- Radboudumc
- Utrecht University (UU)
- Utrecht University Medical Center (UMCU)
- Wageningen University & Research (WUR)
- National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM)
NCOH Online webinar
NCOH Online webinarerika.vangennip@wur.nl
NCOH Online webinarerika.vangennip@wur.nlhttps://event.wur.nl/128040
NCOH Online webinarNCOH Online webinar0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Wageningen Campus, Orion Building 103Wageningen Campus, Orion Building 103Bronland 1 6708 WH Wageningen Netherlands