The Landscape Architecture Group of Wageningen University organises occasions during which professionals, students and university staff meet, exchange ideas and inspiration: the LAR-Live events. Each event consists of a program with a student’s thesis work exhibition, MSc student presentations, a keynote presentation from prominent colleagues in the field, and time to socialize.
It is a great opportunity to catch up with peers and to spot new talent!
During this year’s fall edition we give the floor to keynote speaker Maike van Stiphout who will speak about nature inclusive design - the aesthetics of urban wilding.
The entire program takes place in Forum, Wageningen University Campus.
14:30 - 16:30 Reception for guests,
Forum, ground floor
14:30 - 15:00 Information session for students on MSc Graduation year,
room C0222
15:00 - 16:00 MSc. thesis work in progress (student presentations),
room C0222
16:30 - 17:30 KEYNOTE: nature inclusive design - the aesthetics of urban wilding,
room C0222
Maike van Stiphout, introduction by Prof. dr. Sanda Lenzholzer.
17:30 + DRINKS and exhibition of recent MSc thesis projects,
Forum Bridge, 5th floor