The Citizen Science Hub presents:
Benefits & Challenges for Citizen Science
Are you involved in Citizen Science (or curious about it) and do you want to share experiences and learn from each other?At this first event organized by the Citizen Science Hub, Annemarie Wagemakers and Esther Peerlings will share their experiences with Citizen Science. They will illustrate why using Citizen Science as research method has proven to be valuable. But, they will also elaborate on the difficulties that come along with Citizen Science. In this interactive session both researchers and the audience will discuss the benefits and challenges of Citizen Science in different research fields.
Do you want to join this event? Please register in the tab above.
Date: 14 February 2023
Time: 15:45 – 17:00h (with a network drink afterwards)
Location: Plus Ultra 2 | Training Room
15:45 Walk in
16:00 Presentation by Annemarie Wagemakers and Esther Peerlings
17:00 Network drinks
About the speakers:
Annemarie Wagemakers is recently appointed as personal professor Participatory Community Health Promotion at the Chair group Health and Society. Her research aims to improve health and well-being and to reduce health inequalities by focusing on socially vulnerable groups in society. Annemarie has extensive experience in doing Participatory Action Research and to involve citizens in de scientific process. At the event, Annemarie will give more insights in de benefits and challenges of Citizen Science in health research.
Esther Peerlings is a PhD candidate in the Meteorology and Air Quality section. In her PhD-project she investigates how urbanization and climate change together affect summertime air temperatures inside houses in Amsterdam. Esther aims to place citizen weather stations in 100 homes in Amsterdam to monitor temperature, humidity, and CO2 concentrations. This Amsterdam Living Lab is part of the EU-funded project I-CHANGE. During the event Esther will share her experiences in starting a Citizen Science-project.
Citizen Science Hub?
The Citizen Science Hub aims to connect Citizen Science enthusiasts and others who are interested in the topic. Together we want to build a Citizen Science community where knowledge, experiences and inspiration regarding Citizen Science can be shared.
The Citizen Science Hub is an initiative that is part of the Open Science & Education program, looking to promote and strengthen more open, accessible, and responsible research at WUR. Citizen Science is one of the pillars of this program.
Any questions about the Citizen Science Hub or this event? Send an e-mail to
Citizen Science Hub: Benefits & Challenges for Citizen Science
Citizen Science Hub: Benefits & Challenges for Citizen
Citizen Science Hub: Benefits & Challenges for Citizen Sciencemerle.schots@wur.nl
Citizen Science Hub: Benefits & Challenges for Citizen ScienceCitizen Science Hub: Benefits & Challenges for Citizen Science0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Wageningen University & ResearchWageningen University & ResearchDroevendaalsesteeg 4 6708 PB Wageningen Netherlands