Invitation to contribute
The seminar covers conceptual contributions and empirical studies on the potential and challenges for financing sustainable and resilient development of agri & food systems. The following provides a non-exhaustive list of topics that can be covered:
- Financial market instruments for sustainable development.
- ESG performance and risk assessments to inform finance and insurance decisions.
- Impact loans for agriculture.
- Alternative finance for sustainable and resilient transition of agriculture.
- Role of banks, equity investors and (re)insurers in sustainable & resilient development.
- Protecting biodiversity using financial instruments.
- Green and sustainability linked bonds.
- The role of ESG performance in financing agribusiness.
Call for extended abstracts
Authors who would like to present a paper are requested to send an extended abstract in English by 10 October 2024. The abstract (max 500 words) should include the problem statement, objectives, conceptual framework, methodology and results. Authors will be notified about the outcome by 15 October 2024.
Important dates
- 10 October 2024: Deadline submission of extended abstract
- 15 October 2024: Notification of acceptance of abstract
- 25 October 2024: Deadline early bird registration
- 7 November 2024: Deadline for regular registration
- 13-14 November 2024: In-person seminar on Wageningen campus
Registration fee
- Early-bird registration: 140 € (110 € for PhD students)
- Regular registration: 190 € (160 € for PhD students)
The fee includes one lunch, one dinner and all coffee breaks. Accommodation is not included in the fee.
EAAE-seminar Financing Sustainable and Resilient Transitions in Agri & Food Systems
Miranda Meuwissenmiranda.meuwissen@wur.nl
EAAE-seminar Financing Sustainable and Resilient Transitions in Agri & Food SystemsEAAE-seminar Financing Sustainable and Resilient Transitions in Agri & Food Systems0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Forum (building 102)Forum (building 102)Droevendaalsesteeg 2 6708 PB Wageningen Netherlands