In connection with the Graduation Year, the Landscape Architecture Group of Wageningen University & Research is organizing a series of events in which professionals, students and university staff get to know each other, exchange ideas and inspiration: the LAR-Live events. Each event consists of a student work exhibition, MSc student presentations and a keynote presentation from prominent colleagues in the field.

The first part of this form is for registration for the LAR-Live day-program which takes place in the Forum building.

The second part of this form (below) is about the evening programme in the Omnia building: Ruimtelijke Ordening NU!, with a separate registration link. 


15:00 - 16:20         Graduation year information session (students only!) in C0569

Information session about the graduation year of MLP-2! 

  • Introduction to the MLP-thesis by Agnès Patuano,
  • Introduction to Professional Profile by Marieke van den Broek
  • Thesis topic presentations by MLP-thesis supervisors
    • Water management topics
    • Urban climate topics
    • Liveability topics
    • Energy landscape topics
    • Cultural heritage topics
  • Exhibition on recent graduation work on the Bridge (5th floor, Forum).


16:30 - 18:00         Student presentations (MSc-theses in progress)

FUNCTIONAL LANDSCAPES (B0408), introduced by Samaneh Nickayin

  • Food and Flooding: Designing an Integrated System of Stormwater Green Infrastructure and Urban Agriculture, by Ruben Louwerse.
  • A Nature-based Solution “Paddy field dam”: Designing a paddy field dam system as a nature-based solution to address pluvial flooding in the Netherlands, by Fuyuki Wakayama.
  • Royal Roads: Defining design principles for spatially and functionally coherent cultural heritage systems, by Stijn van de Ven.
  • Towards battery parks exceeding storage capacity: the siting and design of landscape-inclusive battery parks in The Netherlands, by Jorrit Meijer.


CLIMATE RESPONSIVE LANDSCAPES (B0409), introduced by Sanda Lenzholzer

  • Adapting metropolitan open spaces to climate change: a cultural landscape perspective, by Sander Keur.
  • The future of the historical city centre: Cooling or Cultural values, by Gijs Niesink.
  • Cooling the Schoolyard: Implementing Climate-Responsive Design to Mitigate Heat Stress for Children in Elementary Schools, by Eline Ranshuysen.
  • Urban expansion rooted in the Landscape: Climate-responsive urban expansion based on the influence of landscape characteristics surrounding Zwolle, by Minke Asperen.


BIODIVERSE LANDSCAPES (B0430), introduced by Homero Penteado

  • Predators in the city: designing urban green spaces to adapt a stable stone marten population, by Job Abbink.
  • Urban Wildlife Conservation: Design Strategies for Hedgehog Liveability in Dutch Urban Landscapes, by Leon Herrenauw.
  • Designing Amphibian Friendly Urban Green Spaces, by Inge Mekkering.


LIVEABLE LANDSCAPES (B0503), introduced by Lisanne Struckman

  • A Growing Community Space: integrating urban agriculture to foster community building in Milton, Glasgow, by Yaro Berendsen.
  • LIVEABLE CORRIDORS - Creating comfortable multisensory cycle routes through urban areas, a case study in Ghent Belgium, by Ludovic Henderson.
  • DARE_DEV.: Design for Adolescent Development through Thrill-Seeking Activity Interventions, by Lissy Jones.
  • The Next Wave: Co-creating a nature-based primary dike landscape along the Westerschelde with youth, by Mees Linders.


Register here for the day-program in Forum, the Wageningen University Campus.

To register for the evening (Ruimtelijke Ordening NU!) please see below.


19:30 - 21:00              Keynote: Ruimtelijke Ordening van NU! Groene Metropoolregio

21:00+                        Drinks and bites

Locatie: Omnia Auditorium (Wageningen Campus), Hoge Steeg 2, Wageningen

Na drie succesvolle edities reist het project Ruimtelijke Ordening van NU met professor Riek Bakker verder door het land, naar de Groene Metropoolregio. In deze vierde editie praten wetenschappers, ontwerpers en bestuurders over de toekomst van deze regio op de campus van Wageningen Universiteit en Research. Neem deel aan een van de gespreksrondes onder leiding van Ton Schulte, architectuurcentrum CASA.



  • Inleiding door professor Riek Bakker en moderator Ton Schulte
  • Toelichting op de visie NL2120 door Tim van Hattum, Projectleider Green Climate Solutions Wageningen Universiteit en Research
    • Met respondent: Professor Martha Bakker, Hoogleraar Landgebruiksplanning Wageningen Universiteit en Research
  •  Toelichting op de visie Welkom in de toekomst!: Groene Metropoolregio Arnhem-Nijmegen door Harriët Tiemens, Directeur Groene Metropoolregio Arnhem-Nijmegen. Met respondenten 
    • Wethouder Aad van Orden, Gemeente Liemers/Zevenaar
    • Burgemeester Carol van Eert, Gemeente Rheden & voorzitter dagelijks bestuur Groene Metropoolregio
  • Toelichting op de visie Nederlandse stad over 100 jaar door professor Sanda Lenzholzer, Hoogleraar Landschapsarchitectuur Wageningen Universiteit en ResearchMet respondenten
    • Wethouder Cathelijne Bouwkamp, Stedelijke Ontwikkeling, Groen, Duurzaamheid en Cultuur Gemeente Arnhem.
    • Wethouder Dimitri Horsthuis-Tangelder, Gemeente Overbetuwe

FOR THE EVENING PROGRAM: sign up via: free registration or follow the livestream via: this link