Let's go to the movies!
Dear students,
The movie event scheduled for the Winter break, had to be cancelled due to the restrictions at the time. But we want to live up to our promises, so we will organize even bigger movie days in the coming two weeks.
We are happy to resume our ‘normal’ lives since most restrictions are lifted. Hopefully this will have a positive effect on your social connections and your well-being.
It is impressive how our student community showed resilience and kindness, both among themselves as towards their surroundings. Therefore, we would like to offer you a movie ticket. So, text your friends and enjoy some quality time together!
How do the movie days work?
WUR has made an arrangement with the Heerenstraat theater Wageningen. During the coming two weeks, there are 10 timeslots on 5 days on which different movies will be shown exclusively for WUR students. Every student can register for one of these movies free of charge. We encourage you to enjoy a movie with your fellow students, but in a safe way. So please check the ‘Can I Come to Campus’ before you come to the cinema.
For entering the movie theatre, everyone needs to follow the current Covid regulations for theatres. See the website for more information and the specific requirements.
There are several timeslots to choose from, you can find them in the registration form.
Make sure to register as soon as possible since tickets are limited. And please do a self-test beforehand to make it safe for everyone. When after registration you cannot come due to unfortunate circumstances, please let us know, so we can make another student happy with your slot.
Click here to go to the registration form.
Kind regards,
Arthur Mol, Rector Magnificus
Arnold Bregt, Dean of Education
Let's go to the movies!
Let's go to the movies! events.cs@wur.nl
Let's go to the movies! events.cs@wur.nlhttps://event.wur.nl/lets_go_to_the_movies
Let's go to the movies! Let's go to the movies! 0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Heerenstraat TheaterHeerenstraat TheaterMolenstraat 1B 6701 DM Wageningen Netherlands