Thank you for your willingness to help during the
MSc Open Day on Thursday 28 March 2024!
In order to work and get paid, it is important that you meet the WURkForce requirements. Before you register, please check carefully if you meet the requirements as mentioned below. If you do not meet them, then unfortunately you cannot work through WURkForce.
Terms and Conditions
- You are a NL or EU student (exceptions for international, non-EU, students are sometimes possible)
- You must have a BSN (Burger Service Nummer)
- You must have a NL or EU bank account
- You must have a NL or EU health insurance policy
- You can only perform jobs through WURkForce if you do not have a current contract (student assistant or otherwise) with the WUR during the performance of the job/activity.
- You may receive a maximum of € 2.000,00 per year in allowances. This applies to all jobs for which you receive compensation from WUR. Income from a previous contract (salary) does not count towards this amount.
- You must submit your allowance via the WURkForce declaration system within two weeks of the end of the job/activity, unless a different arrangement has been made with WURkForce. A reimbursement is not a salary. You are responsible for submitting your allowance yourself.
- If you are an international student, not being an EU student, deployment through WURkForce is only possible if you have a visa with a note that you are allowed to work in NL ("arbeid is toegestaan" legislation from Immigration Service).
- If you do not meet the conditions of WURkForce afterwards, it is not possible to pay you a reimbursement.
Registering to assist with during the MSc Open Day is done through Aanmelder. You can only register with a WUR email address. If you meet the requirements, click here to register.
MSc Open Day March 2024
MSc Open Day March
MSc Open Day March 2024noreply-website@wur.nl
MSc Open Day March 2024MSc Open Day March 20240.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Wageningen University & ResearchWageningen University & ResearchDroevendaalsesteeg 4 6708 PB Wageningen Netherlands