More nature, Deeper education?
26 April 2023 | 13-17h | Omnia, Wageningen
Towards nature-inclusive education:
How can transformative nature experiences catalyze sustainability awareness?
The integration of nature in daily life is key in transforming towards global sustainability. Yet students generally report a disconnect from the green outdoors. If they are to be the future green leaders, shouldn’t the experience of and reflection on their connection with nature be part of their educational path? For this dialogue, we invite students, educators and policy makers to explore potential of nature-inclusive education at Wageningen University and beyond.
"We hope to initiate a broad conversation among students and educators on the emerging trends and potential impact of nature-positive education in an academic context." - Paul Roncken, landscape architect and director Stichting Natuurcollege
A wide range of voices in the academic landscape will enter in this dialogue, among whom WUR's Dean of Education prof. Arnold Bregt. Newly appointed professor at WUR of the special chair Human-Nature Relationships in the Anthropocene prof. Maria Tengö also joins the dialogue after giving an inspiring keynote. As will prof. Noelle Aarts, as the domain leader on education and awareness for the LNV programme 'Nature Inclusive'. Check out the interactive programme for the rest of the speakers.
We look forward to welcoming you in Omnia on Wageningen Campus, on 26 April from 12:30 to 17:00h. Feel free to share this invite amongst those that matter to you and care for the future of education.
Natuur inclusief onderwijs
Natuur inclusief
Natuur inclusief onderwijswageningen.dialogue@wur.nl
Natuur inclusief onderwijsNatuur inclusief onderwijs0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Wageningen University & ResearchWageningen University & ResearchDroevendaalsesteeg 4 6708 PB Wageningen Netherlands