NCOH Annual Scientific Meeting

30 May 2024, Amsterdam UMC | location AMC

Microbiology, food, and our changing climate: Consequences, challenges and solutions


Host: Constance Schultsz (Amsterdam UMC)

Moderators: Nina van Sorge (Amsterdam UMC | Morning)

Colin Russel (Amsterdam UMC | Afternoon)


9:30 Registration and coffee
10:00 Welcome

Update from NCOH Executive Board - Annemarie Rebel (Chair NCOH Executive Board | Wageningen University & Research)


One Health approach to infectious diseases in a rapidly changing world - Thijs Kuiken (Erasmus MC)


Deploying Wolbachia for elimination of dengue as a public health problem - Cameron Simmons (Monash University, Melbourne, Australia)


Innovative strategies to prevent Lyme disease and other tick-borne diseases - Joppe Hovius
(Amsterdam UMC)


Update from Young NCOH - by Britt Coenen (Chair Young NOCH | University of Groningen)


PhD 5 Pitches (round 1)

12:30 Lunch break

PhD 4 Pitches (round 2)

14:00 Microbiomes as engines of health and sustainability - Fabrice DeClerck (EAT)

Insects as feed and food: economic and safety aspects - Ine van der Fels
(Wageningen University & Research)

15:00 Tea Break

The Holomicrobiome Initiative; tapping into the potential of the microbiome to solve societal challenges - Hilde Herrema (the Holomicrobiome initiative | Amsterdam UMC)

15:50 Best Pitch award
Wrap up - Constance Schultsz
16:00 Activity - moderated by Young NCOH
16:30 Drinks and small bites
18:00 End