Are you a NCOH partner or associate partner?
Then you are warmly invited to the

NCOH Science Café

The Environmental Café

16 October 2024

Join the upcoming NCOH Science Café: The Environmental Café. With the focus on healthy environments as they are prerequisites for good (one) health and happiness.

Get up to speed with the latest scientific insights, see how the  early career researchers pitch their research, and cast your vote for the winner, and connect with fellow One Health enthusiasts. 

This year's host is the RIVM. 

Registration is now open 



Date: Wednesday 16 October 2024
Time: 13:00 - 17:00 hours, with registration from 12:30 hours, and drinks from 17:00 hours.  
Location: RIVM, Antonie van Leeuwenhoeklaan 9, 3721 MA Bilthoven

Organising committee

This Scientific Meeting is organised by the NCOH Executive Board:

Dr. Arjen van de Giessen, RIVM (host Science Café)
Prof. Annemarie Rebel, Wageningen University & Research (chair NCOH) 
Prof. Mark de Boer (LUMC)
Prof. Geert van den Bogaart, Groningen University
Prof. Jan Kluijtmans, University Medical Center Utrecht
Prof. Marion Koopmans, Erasmus Medical Center
Prof. Nathanial Martin, Leiden University 
Prof. Lidwien Smit, Utrecht University
Prof. Constance Schultsz, Amsterdam UMC
Prof. Jutte de Vries, Leiden University Medical Center
Prof. Ronald van Rij, Radboudumc
Prof. Wim van der Poel, Wageningen University & Research