

We are excited to announce the list of speakers (in alphabetical order) who will be joining us for the Preventive Health conference 2023. 


Nienke Bleijenberg , RN, PhD, is an associate professor Nursing Science at the University Medical Center Utrecht and a professor at the University of Applied Sciences Utrecht, the Netherlands. She is trained as a registered nurse, nurse scientist and clinical epidemiologist.
Dick Ettema is a professor of Urban Accessibility and Social Inclusion in the Department of Human Geography and Spatial Planning at the University of Utrecht. He is the director of the research programme Urban Futures and a board member of the focus area 'Sport & Society
Suzan Evers is a Doctoral Candidate within the Urban Planning and Transportation group at the Department of Built Environment of Eindhoven University of Technology. 
Shai de la Fuente has firsthand experience navigating chronic illness, disability and poverty. They work with policymakers and scientists to make research and innovations more inclusive. 
Joep Frens is associate professor at the department of Industrial Design at Eindhoven University of Technology. His research focuses on the question of ‘how to design for open and growing systems’. 
Pieter Van Gorp works as an associate professor in Information Systems at Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE). His own research line focuses on digital health platforms. Since 2023, he is serving as the scientific director of the Dutch EngD program on Clinical Informatics. 
Pol Grootswagers is an assistant professor at Wageningen University, specializing in Nutrition and Ageing. His research focuses on plant-based proteins and muscle health in older adults. Dr. Grootswagers is also a board member of the Dutch Society on Research in Ageing. 
Susan van Hees is an assistant professor at the Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, specializes in responsible innovation and co-creation in health and aging innovations. In her projects (e.g. GATEKEEPER, QoLEAD), Susan focuses on values co-creation (in the context of technologies for ageing in place).  
Patricia Heijdenrijk is at the helm of Pharos, the Dutch Centre of Expertise on Health Disparities, and leads 80+ employees. With more than 20+ years of healthcare leadership experience, Patricia has gained vast experience within the industry. 
Patrik Hummel is an Assistant Professor in the Philosophy & Ethics Group at Eindhoven University of Technology. His research focuses on bioethics and philosophy of technology, in particular how practices of datafication and automation interact with concepts such as health, well-being, justice, and identity. 
Wijnand IJsselsteijn is a full professor of Cognition and Affect in Human-Technology Interaction at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). He has an active research program on the impact of media technology on human psychology, and the use of psychology to improve technology design.
Indre Kalinauskaite is an Assistant Professor in Public Health Practice team at Julius Center, UMC Utrecht. Indre’s research focuses on inclusive and people-centered innovation in public health. She’s passionate about gaining a nuanced understanding of public health challenges and developing interventions tailored to meet the unique needs of local communities. She firmly believes that the key to achieving these goals lies in collaboration across diverse range of scientific disciplines, engaging with societal partners, and involving relevant stakeholders. 
Astrid Kemperman is Associate Professor of Urban Planning & Quality of Life at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). Her area of expertise focuses on improving the planning and design of built environments that promote healthy living and well-being. 
Dieuwertje Kok is a medical biologist with a PhD in Nutrition and Cancer from Wageningen University. Currently, Dieuwertje is working as an assistant professor in Nutrition and Cancer at Wageningen University. 

Floor Kroese is a behavioral scientist working on societal issues related to health and environmental behavior. She is assistant professor at the Department of Social, Health, and Organisational Psychology at Utrecht University, and also works at the Behavioral Unit of the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM). 
Yuan Lu Yuan Lu is an Associate Professor in Systemic Change at the Department of Industrial Design (ID), Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e).  Since June 2021, she has become the director of education for the bachelor and graduate program at ID. Lu is interested in exploring the use of design probes to create innovation opportunities and support design decisions with multi-stakeholders. She aims to create intelligent products, systems, and related services to promote healthy and active living for people with specific needs. 

Martine van der Mast is the i4PH’s programme director. With over 20 years of international experience at the business side of the Infant and Clinical market and with a scientific background in nutrition, she exactly knows how to stimulate transdisciplinary research.  

Evelyn Monninkhof (UMCU) is specifically interested in relations between physical activity, obesity  and cancer occurrence and prognosis. Last years, her focus directed towards exercise-oncology with an emphasis on effects of exercise on treatment related side-effects. She has extensive experience in performing large multicenter exercise trials in healthy women and patients with Cancer. 
Sam Muller is an assistant professor at the University Medical Centre Utrecht’s department of Bioethics and Health Humanities. His research focuses on socially and ethically responsible governance of digital technological developments like Big Data and artificial intelligence (AI) in health 
Stefanie A. Nelemans is an Associate Professor at the department of Youth and Family, Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Utrecht University. Her research focusses on the development and mental health of young people, mostly adolescents from the general population of approximately 10 to 20 years of age, and often takes a multi-/interdisciplinary perspective.   
Sanne Nijhof was trained as a medical doctor (2006) and pediatrician (2015) at the UMC Utrecht. Her future goal is to make evidence based e-health platforms available to all children, treating their fatigue and pain associated with various somatic conditions. 
Maurtis Overmans, co-founder and CEO of Aristotle Technologies, wants to improve people's cognitive well-being. In this role, he closely works with partners, customers, and ecosystem players in the sectors of top sports, physiotherapy, and (special) education. He combines (biomedical) engineering and entrepreneurial principles to innovate in the domain of cognitive health and wellbeing, with the ambition to enhance the daily functioning of 1 million people hindered by information overload by the year 2030. Maurits has been named among the top 50 talents under 35 by the Financieel Dagblad and his team made it into the top 40 most innovative startups in Brabant. 
Ioulia Ossokina is urban economist and assistant professor at the Department of Built Environment of Eindhoven University of Technology. She coordinates research on urban economics, behaviour and big data, with special attention for urban living for vulnerable groups and the transition to sustainable built environment. 
Karien Stronks (AMC) seeks to generate evidence on how the position of an individual in society impacts his/her health and – at the population level – leads to inequalities in health. For 30 years, she has focused on understanding why health inequalities arise and how to effectively combat them. During the last 15 years, she has undertaken this task as Professor of Public Health. 
Maartje Stutvoet is a medical doctor, but is currently working as a full time PhD candidate. As a young clinician at the paediatric ward, she studies fatigue in children with chronic conditions from a holistic perspective at the social paediatrics department in the group of dr. S. L. Nijhof.   
Emily Sullivan is an assistant professor at Utrecht University. Her primary field is philosophy of science, ethics, and epistemology.  Her work focuses on the way that technology mediates our knowledge forming practices, especially AI. She is the co-coordinator of the Free and Fair Society research line in the Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies research consortium and is an associate editor for the British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.  
Lenneke Vaandrager (WUR), PhD in health promotion, is Associate professor Health and Society and Scientific Director of the Centre for Space Place and Society. Her overall research focus is to analyse and contribute to the development of inclusive healthy settings. 
Patrick van Veen is a behavioural biologist, an author, trainer, keynote speaker, and researcher. Drawing on his diverse background, he advises enterprises and endeavors to teach people about our primal behavior. The foundation for his current work lies in research into the similarities between the social behavior of apes and humans. Through Apemanagement, he conducts research into our biological and social motivations concerning themes such as collaboration, communication, and social safety. 
Yvonne Vendrig de Punder is a public health physician who is specifically interested in how the living environment can influence health and healthy behaviour. She was an environmental health advisor at the municipal health service of Rotterdam-Rijnmond for several years and has been working in the UMC Utrecht since 2020. Her research focusses on the health effects of interventions in the urban environment and cross-domain collaboration. In all her projects she works closely together with local residents and professionals from the health care, social or spatial domain. 
Kirsten Verkooijen works as associate professor in the chair group Health and Society of Wageningen University & Research. Her current research addresses community-based health promotion among socially disadvantaged groups. Health enhancing sports and exercise participation is her key focus. 
Roel Vermeulen is the Scientific Director of the i4PH. He is a Professor of Environmental Epidemiology and Exposome Analysis and the Director of the Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences (IRAS). He holds an adjunct professor position at the Julius Centre, UMC Utrecht, and a guest professorship at Imperial College London. 
Sjerp de Vries is a scientific researcher and, as an environmental psychologist, primarily conducts research on the effect of contact with nature on the health and well-being of people. Another topic he is engaged with is the perception of the landscape and the influence of factors such as wind turbines and solar parks.  
Nick Wezenbeek founded in 2019 CleverMove, a Wageningen University start-up focused on providing group strength and balance training programs for older adults. They've intentionally tailored their programs with thorough attention to the older audience, respecting their preferences, capabilities, while also ensuring accessibility, all the while preserving the scientific underpinning.  
Laura Witlox is the event moderator. With a background in journalism, she now is Senior advisor communications and media relations for the Science Group Agrotechnology & Food Sciences of Wageningen University & Research. Witlox works for the departments of Food Sciences, Human Nutrition & Health, Biobased Sciences and Biomolecular Sciences.

Barbara Wollersheim is Track lead lifestyle as part of cancer care within cluster Prevention at KWF Dutch Cancer Society. She advocates the importance of lifestyle as part of cancer care. Before joining KWF Dutch Cancer Society, she worked at the Netherlands Cancer Institute-Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital in the Department of Psychosocial Research and Epidemiology.