Breakout session 2
Co-creating just and healthy living environments
Join us for an interactive session focused on just transitions in urban development. This session starts with talks from experts in the field of just and healthy living environment.
This is what they will talk about:
Designing affordable housing for social health: well-being, social integration, dignity by Oana Druta
The Dutch housing policy of the last decade has included a special focus on the development of temporary (or flex-) housing. Meant to provide a solution to the housing shortage flex housing accommodated predominantly vulnerable groups, from young refugees, students, to homeless youth. Its development, though responsible for a waive an innovation in industrial housing construction raises significant questions about the health impact of affordable housing. However, it also presents opportunities for design that is both affordable and healthy. The talk will discuss challenges of temporary affordable housing, as well as present a few examples of how good design can help mediate them.
Citizen initiatives for healthy people and neighborhoods by Marthe Derkzen
Nature and greenery are good for us; we all know that by now. But is it possible to improve health by getting actively involved in urban greening? Building on empirical evidence from action research projects in Arnhem and Nijmegen, in which we engaged with ten green citizen initiatives during several years, I will start to answer this question. Health benefits occur on the individual (e.g. physical activity, diet, personal development), neighborhood (e.g. social connections, livability), and city level (e.g. local food systems). What is interesting, is that where state actors generally encounter difficulties to unite policies for climate adaptation and urban greening with interventions for social cohesion and public health, citizen initiatives naturally bridge these sectoral domains.
Living lab Cartesius: transdisciplinary research collaborations in healthy living environments by Marije Lammers
Cartesius is a pioneering neighbourhood in the heart of Utrecht. Inspired by the theory of the Blue Zones, it has all the ingredients for a longer healthy and happy life. Cartesius applies these principles through interventions in both the physical and social living environment to enhance healthy urban development. To not only realise but also monitor these interventions requires a transdisciplinary collaboration of private parties (developers), research institutes, governments and citizens. The talk will address questions like "What is the concept of Cartesius for a healthy living environment?" and "How will the effects of these interventions be monitored?” and “What role and importance does a researcher have in such a transdisciplinary team?”
A practical perspective: Heijmans creating a healthy living environment by Stijn Tholhuijsen
In this talk, Stijn Tholhuijsen, a real estate developer at Heijmans, will share insights from the field. Focusing on practical examples, he will discuss the Maanwijk project in Leusden, a leading case in designing communities that foster well-being and connection. Heijmans’ Strategy 2030, which integrates health and sustainability at its core, will also be highlighted, showing how these principles guide the company’s vision for future living environments.
EWUU Preventive Health conference 2024
EWUU Preventive Health conference
EWUU Preventive Health conference 2024register.event@wur.nl
EWUU Preventive Health conference 2024EWUU Preventive Health conference 20240.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
JaarbeursJaarbeursJaarbeursplein 3521 AL Utrecht Netherlands