Winter Break 2021
Let's go to the movies
Dear students,
Yesterday the Dutch government announced new Corona measures. The Netherlands is in lockdown from Sunday 19 December to 14 January 2022. That means that cinemas and theaters are closed. Due to these measures our Winter Break 2021 film action unfortunately cannot continue. All movies on December 20, 22 and 24 have been cancelled. It will depend on the measures as to when we will be able to reschedule the event. But hopefully, we can soon go the movies together again.
Kind regards,
Organisation Winter Break 2021
Dear students,
This year has been insightful and enriching, as well as challenging. We saw students reaching new academic levels, for which Wageningen University is very proud. But this year also showed us again the challenges of a rapidly changing world in times of corona.
For most of our students this meant a more sober personal life and less integration with other students. We acknowledge this struggle and see the hard work everyone is doing to keep up with both their studies as well as their personal and mental well-being. It is impressive how our student community shows resilience and kindness, both among themselves as towards their surroundings.
Things to do during December holidays
As an addition to the SSC Winter programme, WUR has made an arrangement with the Heerenstraat theatre Wageningen. During the Christmas break, there are 4 timeslots on 3 days on which different movies will be shown exclusively for WUR students. You can register for one of these movies free of charge. We encourage you to enjoy a movie with your fellow students in a safe way, in line with the corona measures in place. Also included are a free drink and snack.
On 20, 22 and 24 December the following time slots are available with the movies that will be displayed:
- 10.30hrs House of Gucci
- 11.00hrs Riders of Justice
- 13.45hrs West Side Story
- 14.00hrs Don’t look up
Make sure to register as soon as possible, since seats are limited due to corona measures. Please self-test before you come to the theatre. For entering the theatre everyone needs to follow the current Covid regulations for theatres. See the website for more information and the specific requirements.
If you are unable to attend, please let us know at, so we can make another student happy with your seat.
Kind regards,
Arthur Mol, Rector Magnificus
Arnold Bregt, Dean of Education
Winter Break 2021 Let's go to the movies
Winter Break 2021 Let's go to the
Winter Break 2021 Let's go to the moviesevents.cs@wur.nl
Winter Break 2021 Let's go to the moviesWinter Break 2021 Let's go to the movies0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Heerenstraat TheaterHeerenstraat TheaterMolenstraat 1B 6701 DM Wageningen Netherlands