(moderator of the day Miel Hooijdonk)
and introductions to programme themes by Core Team members;
- Overview KB Circular and Climate Neutral Society - Christine Bunthof
- Theme 1 Management of Transitions - Hans van Meijl
- Theme 3 Biobased Products and Integrating Project - Gert van Duinkerken
- Diagnostics for biorefinery of low trophic marine resources to animal health - Maarten Kootstra
- Wageningen Climate Solutions: knowledge agenda on climate research for Europe - Cheng Liu
moderated by Miel Hooijdonk who interviews four panelists:
- Marieke Meeusen, from projects Governance in Transition (2019-2022) and
Governance Tools in practice (2023-2024)
- Guido Bakema, from projects Peatlands in the new circular and climate positive
production systems (2019-2022) and Reversing declining soils mitigating climate
innovation in peatland management (2023-2024)
- Alexander van Tuyll, from projects Redesign of horticultural production for a circular
Economy (2019-2022) and Living Lab Circular Greenhouse (2023-2024)
- Sipke Joost Hiemstra, from Breeding4Diversity – Towards a strategic research agenda
(2019-2022) and New system requirements for breeding (2023-2024).
11:45 - 12:30 Pitches of Strategic Position Researchers.
All with 2022 support are listed, some presentations tbc
1. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) - Gert-Jan Nabuurs
2. Positioning WUR regarding the safety of circular produced foods (EFSA) - Stefan van Leeuwen
3. Working Group Circular Agriculture of LNV (LNV-WGCA) - Anne-Charlotte Hoes
4. Animal Task Force (ATF) - Hans Spoolder
5. European Energy Research Alliance Bioenergy - EU research in the area of sustainable
carbon for energy and other biobased applications (EERA Bioenergy) - Wolter Elbersen,
6. European Fisheries and Aquaculture Research Organisations (EFARO) - Luc van Hoof, WMR
7. Green ERA-Hub: network of partnerships in European Research Area (GEH) -
Martine Vernooij, CSA
8. ESA Strategy Paper Circular Economy & Sustainable Living in Space and on Earth
(ESA-SPACE) - Wieger Wamelink
9. Introduction of UPV schemes for textile (TEXTILES) - Michiel Scheffer, WFBR
- Theme 1 Management of Transitions
14.30 - 15.30 Parallel sessions for:
- Theme A2 + 2B Primary Production Systems - Transform current linear production; -
Design novel production circles [Room A]
- Theme 2C + 2 D Primary Production Systems – New connections and multi-use; -
Carbon sinks & resilient production [Room B]
- Theme 3 Biomass Feedstock [Room C]
Community Day KB34
Registration website for Community Day KB34Wageningen University &
Wageningen University & Researchevents@wur.nl
Community Day KB34Community Day KB340.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Wageningen University & Research (Omnia)Wageningen University & Research (Omnia)Hoge Steeg 2 6708 PB Wageningen Netherlands