Explore and Experience
After a plenary start, you can participate in two interactive sessions in smaller groups. Upon registration you can already indicate which sessions spark your interest. On the day itself you can pick & choose which session you actually wish to follow (full=full).
Round 1 |
Experience Polarization Inge Wallage & Jan Willem Bol, CCM |
Us-them thinking creates impact. It both enriches and threatens us. Polarization is neither right nor wrong - it’s natural. It’s part of being human. And WUR is in the midst of several polarized debates, while we simultaneously want to stimulate dialogue. By understanding the dynamics of polarization we can reflect on our professional role in society. Communication can support in guiding our narrative that can be used. Therefore, Corporate Communication & Marketing professionals have taken a deep dive into the theory of the practical-minded philosopher, Bart Brandsma. During this session Inge and Jan Willem will guide you through the Polarization Framework and the game changers we can apply to determine our professional position. |
Art and Science Artists Tina Farifteh, Noëlle Ingeveldt & Suzette Bousema, Future of Nature Collective |
How to translate science to society? And how to do that in an impactful manner? ‘Researchers often have no idea how exciting it can be for artists to use their data and what impact this ‘translated work’ can have on the public’. Three artists of the Future of Nature Collective share how they have and would like to collaborate with scientists. And together, you will explore what is possible and needed to make this translation in a meaningful manner. All to enhance the connection between science and society. | |
More Than Research Game Jillian Student, ESG & Jessica Duncan, SSG |
In this interactive workshop, we offer participants the opportunity to play an interactive game designed specifically to support researchers to think beyond their disciplines and explore the boundaries of interdisciplinary dialogue. |
Round 2 |
The Art of Listening Marjan Wink, SSG
Did you know that not speaking up, but listening is the most important ingredient of a good dialogue? Truly listening with the intention to understand yourself and others. It sounds easy. But when diving into it, you will explore that there are different levels of listening and preferences that influence our listening. Marjan Wink is a teacher, skills trainer and coach at the Education and Learning Sciences group at WUR and will take you into a listening deep dive and provide you with practice and tools to help you foster your listening skills. |
Various Perspectives Sigrid Smeele, De Droomfabriek |
You are expert in your field and therefore you can add value to complex challenges that need transdisciplinary collaboration to find new solutions. But when you have discussions with others, you could experience opposite opinions and/or interests. In this workshop we challenge you to reflect on how it could be logical that you and your conversation partner have opposite opinions for the same aimed objective and how to build sustainable relationships by building constructive interactions. You will learn how you unconsciously have impact on the direction of a conversation and reflect on the level of objectivity during conversations. We will increase your awareness to observe more closely and intervene in such a way that might result in solutions you never thought of. | |
Game of the Future Marcel Vijn, PSG |
The Game of the Future is a serious game aimed at sparking dialogue and fostering mutual understanding. It is a living game board with knowledge questions, dilemmas, chance and bad luck. By playing this game and reflecting on the method, you will experience the power of such games and roleplays. This game is originally developed for farmers on field trips to the Farm of the Future. But with a different set of questions (especially developed for this workshop), the game lends itself well to other uses where a (contested) topic is to be discussed with groups that not easily connect with each other. Ready to get involved in a fanatic battle? |
Dialogue Experience Day 2022
Dialogue Experience Day
Dialogue Experience Day 2022wageningen.dialogue@wur.nl
Dialogue Experience Day 2022Dialogue Experience Day 20220.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Wageningen University & ResearchWageningen University & ResearchDroevendaalsesteeg 4 6708 PB Wageningen Netherlands