12.00-13.00 Registration and networking lunch
13.00-14.45 Plenary:
- Welcome by Ernst van den Ende, Director of the Animal Sciences Group and Sipke Joost
Hiemstra, Head of CGN (13.00-13.15)
- Keynote 1: Irene Hoffmann, Secretary of the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food
and Agriculture, FAO, Rome (13.15-13.45)
- Keynote 2: Rutger Groot, Board Chairman Knowledge Transfer Foundation, East West
Seed (13.45-14.15)
- Keynote 3: Hank Bartelink, Director of Landschappen NL (14.15-14.45)
14.45-15.05 Coffee break
15.05-15.50 Workshop - Round 1 /
1. How will omics technology impact the conservation and use of genetic resources?
Theo van Hintum & Richard Crooijmans
2. Complementarity of nature conservation with genetic resources conservation: crop wild relatives
and autochthonous trees.
Rob van Treuren & Seppe de Mits
3. How to support future use of traditional crop varieties and animal breeds?
Noor Bas & Mira Schoon
4. Underutilised species for diversification of our diet and agriculture.
Eric Schranz, Martina Huber & Peter Bourke
15.55-16.40 Workshop - Round 2 /
1. PLANT: Expanding CGN crop gene bank collections and the impact of genomics
Theo van Hintum & Rik Lievers
2. ANIMAL: Next steps for the development of CGN livestock gene bank
Annemieke Rattink & Julie Lamy
3. FOREST: Improving ex situ and in situ conservation of trees and shrubs
Joukje Buiteveld & Paul Copini
4. AQUA: Monitoring and conservation of aquatic genetic resources
Wout Abbink & John Bastiaansen
16.45-17.00 Wrap-up
by Sipke Joost Hiemstra, Head of CGN
17.00-18.00 Closure and Drinks
Genetic Diversity
Genetic Diversityevents@wur.nl
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Wageningen University & ResearchWageningen University & ResearchDroevendaalsesteeg 4 6708 PB Wageningen Netherlands