Cancellation and refund policy
To cancel your registration, please submit your request via email to: Please note that only cancellation requests sent through email will be considered valid and processed. Kindly observe the deadlines outlined below when initiating such requests.
Refunds will be made according to the following terms:
- Cancellation received before 15 May 2024: 50% refund.
- Cancellation received after 15 May 2024: no refund.
If for reasons beyond the control of the organisers the meeting is cancelled, registration fees will be refunded following deduction of unavoidable expenses. No refund will be given in case of no-show, unused services, unattended events or early termination of attendance.
Online registration for the event is mandatory and follows a first-come, first-served basis. We trust that you understand the inherent unfairness in declining registrations, while simultaneously acknowledging that registered individuals may choose not to attend the event.
It is crucial to emphasize that there is a € 100 cost associated with a no-show, regardless of the paid registration fee.
In the event of illness, attendees will be exempt from the no-show policy, provided they can provide documentation to substantiate their illness. Additionally, cancellations resulting from work-related commitments leading to the no-show will not be eligible for exemption.
Science and Technology for Meat and Dairy Analogues conference
Science and Technology for Meat and Dairy Analogues
Science and Technology for Meat and Dairy Analogues conferencemeat-analogues@wur.nl
Science and Technology for Meat and Dairy Analogues conferenceScience and Technology for Meat and Dairy Analogues conference0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Wageningen University & ResearchWageningen University & ResearchDroevendaalsesteeg 4 6708 PB Wageningen Netherlands