Conference programme
- Tuesday, 2 July between 10:30-12:00
- Wednesday, 3 July between 13:30-15:30
Registering for the Expert Dating sessions is part of the registration process. Have you already registered for the conference and would like to sign up for the Expert Dating sessions? Please update your registration form and answer the question, "Would you like to schedule an appointment with one of our experts?" followed by the subsequent questions.
Opening: Dr. Stacy Pyett, WUR - Wageningen Food & Biobased Research
Title: ‘Designing Flavours for Meat and Dairy Alternatives – Strategies to optimize flavour impact’
- Dr. Paulo de Boer – WUR – Wageningen Food & Biobased Research Title: ‘Tapping into nature’s potential: An innovative approach for unlocking flavour by fermentation’
- Cristina Barallat MSc – WUR – Food Quality & Design Title: ‘Exploring the close interplay between mucin, food proteins, and flavor compounds in aqueous model systems’
Title: ‘Deciphering the mechanisms involved in digesting dairy products: what lessons can be learned for the design of dairy alternatives?’
- Dr. Diederik Esser – WUR – Wageningen Food & Biobased Research Title: ‘'Assessing Nutrient Quality in Meat Analogues: Postprandial Amino Acid Uptake Kinetics and Broader Health Implications’
- Jacintha Domic MSc – WUR – Human Health & Nutrition Title: ‘The essential amino acid composition of commercially available vegan meat and dairy analogues in The Netherlands’
Title: ‘Ingredient-matrix interactions: a powerful tool for engineering functionality’
- Pau Taberner-Pibernat MSc – IRTA Title: ‘Tailoring the techno-functional properties of protein-rich fractions from lupin: from legume to meat analogue’
- Dr. habil. Julia Keppler – WUR – FPE Title: ‘Methylotroph bacteria as future meat analogues’
- Dr. Martijn Bekker – WUR – WFBR
- Dr. Kerstin Burseg – GoodMills Innovation
- Dr. David Hunt – The Good Food Institute Europe
- Nina Waldhauer MSc - Invest-NL
Title: ‘What drives texture and flavour perception of plant-based meat alternatives?’
- Miek Schlangen MSc – WUR - Food Process Engineering Title: ‘Quantifying the texture of meat replacers using image analysis and mechanical testing’
- Tong Guan MSc - Institut Laue-Langevin & ETH Zürich Title ‘Unravel the hierarchical structure of plant-based meat analogs by neutron and X-ray tools’
- Jiashu Li MSc – KU Leuven LFoRCe Title: ‘Varying precipitation conditions during soy protein concentrate production allow directing the texture and structure of high-moisture extrudates’
Title: Food safety challenges in plant-based products
- Cristina Serra I Castello MSc – WUR – Food Microbiology
Title: ‘Accelerating the protein transition: The protein monitor and a supermarket-intervention to support consumer behaviour’
- Dr. Muriel Verain – WUR – WEcR
- Dr. Lisa Ronquest-Ross – v2food
- Natascha Kooiman MSc – Transitie Coalitie Voedsel
Science and Technology for Meat and Dairy Analogues conference
Science and Technology for Meat and Dairy Analogues
Science and Technology for Meat and Dairy Analogues conferencemeat-analogues@wur.nl
Science and Technology for Meat and Dairy Analogues conferenceScience and Technology for Meat and Dairy Analogues conference0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Wageningen University & ResearchWageningen University & ResearchDroevendaalsesteeg 4 6708 PB Wageningen Netherlands