
The conference addresses how marginalization and social exclusion in agriculture and food systems are shaped at the intersection of gender with other social dimensions, such as socio-economic status, age or generation, ethnicity or religion and belief systems. We refer to this intersectional perspective as ''gender+''.

+ research and gender+ integration in agriculture-related research play a critical role in guiding positive transformations in food systems and societies worldwide. 

Generating innovative, conceptually sound, and influential gender
+ research, and widening and strengthening the networks of researchers dedicated to advancing this work, are the focus of this conference. 


The conference addresses five overarching questions:

  • How do gender concepts, theories and frameworks fare in their application and how can current practice better inform gender theory and concepts? 
  • What lenses can gender research provide to understand the complex nature of today's rural livelihoods, including interconnections between resource-based and non-agricultural livelihoods? 
  • What new, well-informed narratives and discourses help us overcome myths around gender in agriculture and food systems? 
  • How can research contribute to systemic change towards gender equality? 
  • What new methodological and other innovations can contribute to cultivating equality in agri-food systems? 

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Through interactive spaces in scientific dialogues and multi-stakeholder panels, the conference will move forward the agenda of gender+ research in agriculture and food systems.