Themes and perspectives
The conference will explore diverse themes in gender+ research in agriculture and food systems, through a range of perspectives described below to address the conference's overarching questions.
Possible themes
Nutrition and health
Institutions and governance
Gendered labor dynamics and time use
Food systems transformation and women’s empowerment
Agricultural value chains, markets, and entrepreneurship
Gender-sensitive design of agricultural and natural resource management technologies and innovations
Transformation of gender norms at scale
Gender and climate change
Migration and gender equality
Diversification of rural livelihoods
Gendered impacts of and responses to COVID-19
Building gender+ equality in international collaborations
Defining gender+ expertise and scientifically sound ways for gender+ integration
Perspectives on research
From concepts to application and back again to advance gender+ research and gender+ integration in food systems and agricultural sciences
This perspective examines the successes and challenges when applying concepts and integrating gender+ in various fields of agricultural research (e.g. breeding, climate change, food security, water management, energy).
Exploring (rural) contexts and interconnections through gender+ research
This perspective surfaces the interconnections between agriculture, rural livelihoods and natural resource management and the rich and multi-dimensional fabric of rural societies; contexts, values, identities, and multi-local and diversified livelihoods.
Challenging myths and rewriting gender+ in mainstream narratives around food, agricultural and rural research
This perspective unpacks and critically revisits narratives in gender in food, agricultural and rural research, and where relevant introduces new lenses or elaborates on existing narratives based on new gender+ research insights.
Toward gender equality: Challenging inequalities through institutional and systemic/structural change
This perspective explores institutional barriers to gender equality at multiple scales and potential opportunities and approaches to tackle them.
Methodological and other innovations in gender+ in agriculture research
This offers space for discussion of other relevant issues and innovative thinking around gender+ in agriculture and food systems research.
Cultivating Equality 2021
Cultivating Equality
Cultivating Equality 2021cultivating.equality2021@wur.nl
Cultivating Equality 2021Cultivating Equality 20210.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Wageningen University & ResearchWageningen University & ResearchDroevendaalsesteeg 4 6708 PB Wageningen Netherlands