The conference will be conducted entirely online from 09:30-17:30 CEST. Contributions will be scheduled to allow participation across different time zones.
The four-day program will provide interactive discussions and contributions to advance gender+ research in agricultural and food systems.
We invite proposals for full sessions or single contributions in various formats. For possible session themes and perspectives, see here.
Day 1 of the conference will consist of interactive capacity strengthening sessions of 1.5 hours each. These sessions will dive into a methodology, themes or concepts in gender+ research, or another topic such as building gender+ into trainings and curricula. These sessions may take various formats and include interactive break-out sessions.
Click here to submit your proposal for a capacity strengthening session
Panel sessions (1.5 hours) will convene distinguished speakers around a critical theme, issue or angle to be addressed in gender+ in agriculture and food systems. Speakers may be from research or from other sectors – civil society, practice, policy, private sector, donors – who will share insights from different perspectives, speak to demand for and application of gender+ research, etc.
Click here to submit your proposal for a panel session
Scientific sessions of 1.5 hours will foster active participation and discussions in smaller groups. Formats will vary depending on the organizers.
There are two ways to contribute to a scientific session:
- Organize a full session, in line with the conference themes and perspectives;
- Contribute a presentation, to be grouped by the conference organizers into thematic sessions of 3 - 4 presentations.
Click here to submit your proposal for a full session or presentation
Posters will be available for viewing asynchronously and may be presented during poster sessions. There will be an award for the best poster.
Click here to submit your proposal for a poster
Suggest your innovative contribution or session up to 1.5 hours related to the conference themes and perspectives. The following ideas are simply to stimulate your imagination:
- Documentaries or audio-visual material (photos and videos) integrated in sessions and discussed or made available for viewing asynchronously.
- Debates, Dragon’s Den pitches for new project ideas, etc.
- Cultural intermezzos
Click here to submit your proposal
The conference will build in spaces for networking.
Deadline for proposal submissions: 4 June 2021
Cultivating Equality 2021
Cultivating Equality
Cultivating Equality 2021cultivating.equality2021@wur.nl
Cultivating Equality 2021Cultivating Equality 20210.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Wageningen University & ResearchWageningen University & ResearchDroevendaalsesteeg 4 6708 PB Wageningen Netherlands