Webinar series Green renewable solutions 2023
10 May 2023
Challenges Towards a Circular Plastics Economy from a Chemical Perspective
Evelien Maaskant (WUR)
Latest Market Data and Trends on Bio-based and CO2-based Building Blocks and Polymers Worldwide
Pia Skoczinski and Pauline Ruiz (nova-Institute)
15 May 2023
Global and European Carbon Flows
Ferdinand Kähler and Michael Carus (nova-Institute)
Biomass Availability for the materials transition
Wolter Elbersen (WUR)
30 May 2023
Biodegradability of Polymers and Plastics: State of Play
Maarten van der Zee (WUR)
Regulation of Biodegradable Polymers – How is Biodegradability Treated in EU Policy?
Nicolas Hark (nova-Institute)
13 June 2023
Technologies, Markets and Policies on “Advanced Recycling”
Dr. Lars Krause (nova-Institute)
Polyester Recycling: the Role of Chemicals and Enzymes for a Circular Economy in Plastics - Part 1: Chemicals
Shanmugam Thiyagarajan (WUR)
Polyester Recycling: the Role of Chemicals and Enzymes for a Circular Economy in Plastics - Part 2: Enzymes
Tom Ewing (WUR)
19 June 2023
Useful Applications of Biodegradable Plastics
Karin Molenveld (WUR)
For Which End-products Is Biodegradation a Justified Need? Results and Impacts of the German BioSinn Project
Pauline Ruiz and Michael Carus (nova-Institute)
Green renewable solutions 2023
Registration website for Green renewable solutions 2023Wageningen Food & Biobased
Wageningen Food & Biobased
Green renewable solutions 2023Green renewable solutions 20230.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Wageningen University & ResearchWageningen University & ResearchDroevendaalsesteeg 4 6708 PB Wageningen Netherlands