Summary session 3
Tuesday 30 May from 13:30-15:00 CET
Each presentation 30 Min + 15 Min discussion
Titel: Biodegradability of Polymers and Plastics: State of Play and Policies
Moderation: Luciano Proto Cassina (nova-Institute)
Biodegradability of Polymers and Plastics: State of Play by Maarten van der Zee (WUR)
Biodegradability can be a desirable product characteristic; sometimes as a useful functional property, in other cases it may provide a sustainable end-of-life option. But how is biodegradability measured or demonstrated, when is biodegradation complete and how long can the biodegradation process acceptably take? In this presentation, the key aspects of measuring biodegradability of polymers and plastics are addressed, including some common misconceptions and current issues. They will further be discussed these in relation to standardization of evaluation methods, certification of biodegradable products and policy development (e.g. the European plastics strategy).
Regulation of Biodegradable Polymers – How is Biodegradability Treated in EU Policy? by Nicolas Hark (nova-Institute)
With the publication of both, a proposal for the new Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR) and a dedicated policy framework for bio-based, biodegradable and compostable plastics (BBP/BDCP) the EU policy landscape is attempting to take substantial steps in the right direction. How is biodegradability of plastics and polymers generally seen in the current policy framework and what could change with these new instruments? How does science see biodegradable plastics and what are the scientific recommendations for policymakers?
Green renewable solutions 2023
Wageningen Food & Biobased
Wageningen Food & Biobased
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