The program will start with a welcome reception on Sunday, June 11th from 20:00 to 22:00 at the conference venue (in the arboretumzaal).
The final program can be downloaded from the link below:
Please be aware that some presentations have been rescheduled to other times or sessions due to withdrawal of some of the presenters.
Oral presentation abstracts
presentation abstract booklet.pdf
Poster presentation abstracts
poster abstract booklet new.pdf
Participant list
Information for presenters
Oral presentations
Oral presentations are 20 minutes sharp, with 15 minutes speaking time and 5 minutes for discussion. Presenters are asked to upload their presentations on the computers in the presentation rooms prior to the start of each session, to allow for smooth transition between talks.
Poster presentations
Poster size should be no larger than A0 (841 mm wide and 1189 mm high) and should be printed in portrait mode. Poster boards can fit a maximum of two A0 portrait posters. Mounting material will be provided by ISFRS.
Registration website for AFSG - ISFRSAFSG -
AFSG - ISFRSnoreply-website@wur.nl
AFSG - ISFRSAFSG - ISFRS0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
the Wageningsche bergthe Wageningsche berggeneraal Foulkesweg 96 6708 PB Wageningen Netherlands