NCOH Annual Scientific Meeting 2022
We've enjoyed a great Annual Scientific Meeting on 23 June 2022 in Wageningen.
registration is now closed
We have a lineup of impressive speakers. After the opening by Annemarie Rebel of Wageningen University & Research, we will look back at NCOH’s accomplishments and look forward, by Dick Heederik, chair of the NCOH Executive Board.
Keynote speaker Tim van Hattum, Programme Lead Green Climate Solutions, WUR, will present a more natural future of what the Netherlands might look like.
This vision for the Netherlands of 2120 specifies opportunities for the economy, biodiversity and livability of our country. It is a new narrative for the Netherlands that gives leading roles to nature and natural processes. The story develops around the themes of water management, energy, agriculture, circular economy, urbanization and biodiversity. So if this is the newly designed Netherlands, what does that mean for the One Health approach? What benefit does society have with regard to wellbeing of its inhabitants? What effect would it have on diseases, their prevention or control, both in human and in animals?
Marion Koopmans, EMC and Mirjam Kretzschmar, UMCU will talk about Pandemic preparedness: Learnings and actions, featuring Monkeypox.
Covid 19 taught us how important pandemic preparedness is. Despite the lessons learned from for instance SARS and Ebola, it wasn’t easy to combat Covid 19. Still new cases are detected and due to the different approach of monitoring the virus in society, science seems to lose its tight grip on the disease. In the meantime the world is confronted with a new potential world health scare: Monkeypox. Lessons learned from earlier pandemics haven’t prevented a new disease from spreading worries through many countries. Which actions can be taken to prevent a disease from growing into a pandemic? How can we cut the chain of events in order to protect society and prevent the next pandemic? Mathematical modelling can help to understand which actions may be effective and when they have to be implemented. However, there are also many challenges in modelling an emerging infectious disease.
One Health fits all (one size does not) is the topic of the keynote by Anja Schreijer, PDPC, and Danilo Lo-Fo-Wong, WHO.
During the day we will ask you to join in the discussions on relevant One Health issues. And the NCOH PhD students will contribute with a laptop poster walk and you can vote for the best pitch. Your moderator for the day will be Rens de Jong.
The scientific meeting is aimed at researchers from our NCOH Partners and Associates that are involved in all the NCOH Strategic Research Themes. The event is free of charge, but registration is required.
Date: Thursday 23 June 2022
Time: 10.00 – 18.00 hours CET, with registration from 9.30 hours.
Location: WICC, Lawickse Allee 9, 6701 AN Wageningen
Organising committee
This Scientific Meeting is organised by the NCOH Executive Board:
Prof. Annemarie Rebel, Wageningen University & Research (host)
Prof. Dick Heederik, Utrecht University (chair)
Prof. Marc Bonten, University Medical Center Utrecht
Dr. Arjen van de Giessen, RIVM
Prof. Andrea Gröne, Utrecht University
Dr. Ferry Hagen, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences
Prof. Constance Schultsz, Amsterdam UMC
Prof. Marion Koopmans, Erasmus Medical Center
Prof. Meta Roestenberg, Leiden University Medical Center
Prof. Nathanial Martin, Leiden University
Prof. Ronald van Rij, Radboudumc
Contact NCOH or the organizers
NCOH Annual Scientific Meeting
NCOH Annual Scientific
NCOH Annual Scientific Meetingevents@wur.nl
NCOH Annual Scientific MeetingNCOH Annual Scientific Meeting0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
WICCWICCLawickse Allee 9 6701 AN Wageningen Netherlands