NCOH Annual Scientific Meeting 2022

23 June 2022

08:30 - 09:45

Young NCOH networking workshop

09:30 - 10:00

Registration Annual Scietific Meeting

10:00 - 10:02

Welcome by Rens de Jong (event moderator)

10:02 - 10:07

Opening by Annemarie Rebel,  Wageningen Bioveterinary Research

10:07 - 10:15

Pandemic preparedness -are you ready?

10:15 - 10:30

NCOH: stronger together by Dick Heederik, chair of Executive Board NCOH

10:30 - 10:45

PhD pitches: 

  1. Auke de Jong - KNAW: The mystery of Candida auris
  2. Eleanor Marshall - Erasmus MC: Models to study and prioritize neuropathogenic arboviruses
  3. Jesse Kerkvliet - UMC Utrecht: MetaMobilePicker: computational identification of mobile genetic elements in metagenomes


10:45 - 11:20

Keynote: A more natural future for the Netherlands in 2120 - by Tim van Hattum, Wageningen University & Research

11:20 - 11:55

Panel discussion: Natural versus technology: integrate versus segregate with Simon Oosting - Animal Production Systems, WUR, Aneesh Chauhan - Agrorobotica, WUR, and Hidde Boersma,  science journalist and ecomodernist

11:55 - 13:15
13:15 - 13:30

PhD Pitches:

  1. Lucille van Beek - Radboudumc: Establishing a controlled human pneumococcal infection model in the Netherlands – PIM study
  2. Manu Bilsen - LUMC: Distinguishing urinary tract infection from asymptomatic bacteriuria in older women
  3. Mari-Lee Odendaal - RIVM: Host factors and health outcomes associated with the upper respiratory tract (URT) microbiota
13:30 - 14:00

Keynote Pandemic Preparedness & Learnings and actions - by Marion Koopmans, EMC & Miriam Kretzschmar, UMCU

14:00 - 14:35

Panel discussion: Preparing for the next pandemic, with Wim van der Poel -  WVBR WUR, Arjen van der Giessen - RIVM, Marleen Bekker - WUR.

14:35 - 15:00

Tea break

15:00 - 15:15

PHD Pitches: 

  1. Warner van Kersen - Utrecht University: Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on physical and mental health in relation to chronic disease
  2. Luca Bordes - Wageningen University & Research: Infection of wild red foxes with HPAI H5N1 virus and emergence of adaptive mutations
  3. Jaime Brizuela Gabaldon - Amsterdam UMC: Using genomics to characterize the emergence of zoonotic S. suis lineages
15:15 - 15:55

Keynote: Behavior change in One Health - by Anja Schreijer, PDPC and Danilo Lo-Fo-Wong, WHO

15:55 - 16:20

Awards ceremony

16:20 - 16:30

Closure by Annemarie Rebel

16:30 - 18:00

Drinks & small bites