NCOH Annual Scientific Meeting 2022
23 June 2022
Young NCOH networking workshop
Registration Annual Scietific Meeting
Welcome by Rens de Jong (event moderator)
Opening by Annemarie Rebel, Wageningen Bioveterinary Research
Pandemic preparedness -are you ready?
NCOH: stronger together by Dick Heederik, chair of Executive Board NCOH
- Auke de Jong - KNAW: The mystery of Candida auris
- Eleanor Marshall - Erasmus MC: Models to study and prioritize neuropathogenic arboviruses
- Jesse Kerkvliet - UMC Utrecht: MetaMobilePicker: computational identification of mobile genetic elements in metagenomes
Keynote: A more natural future for the Netherlands in 2120 - by Tim van Hattum, Wageningen University & Research
Panel discussion: Natural versus technology: integrate versus segregate with Simon Oosting - Animal Production Systems, WUR, Aneesh Chauhan - Agrorobotica, WUR, and Hidde Boersma, science journalist and ecomodernist
Lunch break
- Lucille van Beek - Radboudumc: Establishing a controlled human pneumococcal infection model in the Netherlands – PIM study
- Manu Bilsen - LUMC: Distinguishing urinary tract infection from asymptomatic bacteriuria in older women
- Mari-Lee Odendaal - RIVM: Host factors and health outcomes associated with the upper respiratory tract (URT) microbiota
Keynote Pandemic Preparedness & Learnings and actions - by Marion Koopmans, EMC & Miriam Kretzschmar, UMCU
Panel discussion: Preparing for the next pandemic, with Wim van der Poel - WVBR WUR, Arjen van der Giessen - RIVM, Marleen Bekker - WUR.
Tea break
- Warner van Kersen - Utrecht University: Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on physical and mental health in relation to chronic disease
- Luca Bordes - Wageningen University & Research: Infection of wild red foxes with HPAI H5N1 virus and emergence of adaptive mutations
- Jaime Brizuela Gabaldon - Amsterdam UMC: Using genomics to characterize the emergence of zoonotic S. suis lineages
Keynote: Behavior change in One Health - by Anja Schreijer, PDPC and Danilo Lo-Fo-Wong, WHO
Awards ceremony
Closure by Annemarie Rebel
Drinks & small bites
NCOH Annual Scientific Meeting
Registration website for NCOH Annual Scientific MeetingNCOH Annual Scientific
NCOH Annual Scientific Meetingevents@wur.nl
NCOH Annual Scientific MeetingNCOH Annual Scientific Meeting0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
WICCWICCLawickse Allee 9 6701 AN Wageningen Netherlands