Poster presentations
PhD students that will present posters during the laptop poster walk:
Yao Shi |
Amsterdam UMC |
Streptococcus suis glycan biosynthesis genes affect cell wall polysaccharide composition and phenotype |
Bastiaan van der Roest |
UMC Utrecht |
A Bayesian inference method to estimate transmission trees while allowing for multiple introductions with an application to SARS-COV2 in Dutch mink farms |
Inge Roof |
Use of antibiotics among residents living close to poultry or goat farms: a nationwide analysis in the Netherlands |
Lerica Le Roux-Pullen |
University Utrecht |
Evaluating the correlation of PAMPA permeability with in vivo milk:plasma ratios |
Martha Dellar |
Dutch One Health scenarios |
Michèle Molendijk |
Erasmus MC |
The efficacy of bacteriophages against clinical Staphylococcus aureus strains under physiological relevant conditions |
Olga Mosunova |
Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute -KNAW |
Shy fungi | new drugs |
Xuesheng Wu | Utrecht University | Dynamics of paramyxovirus-sialoglycan receptor interaction. | |
Jeroen Bok | Radboudumc | Controlled human malaria infection as a tool for vaccine development |
NCOH Annual Scientific Meeting
NCOH Annual Scientific
NCOH Annual Scientific Meetingevents@wur.nl
NCOH Annual Scientific MeetingNCOH Annual Scientific Meeting0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
WICCWICCLawickse Allee 9 6701 AN Wageningen Netherlands