Topic 1
Making One Health happen: designing suitable legal, governance and policy frameworks
Keynote: Why is legislation relevant to One Health? The work of the FAO Development Law Service - by Carmen Bullón (FAO)
Session chair: Harro Maat (WUR)
Over the past years a myriad of reports were written with recommendations on “how to prevent the next pandemic”. A key recommendation in many of these reports is “Operationalise the One Health approach”. To accomplish this, One Health professionals need to be able to collaborate, share information and align their actions. The institutional, governance, policy and legal frameworks in which they work need to enable their collaboration. In practice they frequently experience contradictions or incompatibilities in for example mandates, goals, timelines or priorities for different sectors.
Meet the keynote: Carmen Bullón
Recently, Carmen has collaborated with the other Quadripartite Organizations (WHO, WOAH and UNEP) in the development of a One Health Legislative Assessment Tool for antimicrobial resistance (AMR). In her spare time, Carmen researches the role of legislation for One Health.
In this session
Five selected oral presentations: In this session we welcome presentations that help identify hurdles to the One Health approach, and approaches to mitigating and taking away these hurdles.
Keywords include:
Health policy |
Governance |
Systems transitions |
Collaborations |
Capacity building |
Legislative frameworks |
Health |
Protection protocols |
Assessment |
One Health |
Operationalizing One Health |
Institutions |
Global One Health Event 2024
Global One Health Event
Global One Health Event
Global One Health Event 2024Global One Health Event 20240.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Orion Building Wageningen CampusOrion Building Wageningen CampusBronland 1 6708WH Wageningen Netherlands