Day 3 | Workshops
Round 1 of parallel workshops
Workshop option 1: One Health Collaborations - Get out of your head and into the process
The Centre for Unusual Collaborations (CUCo - part of the EWUU Alliance) provides training to help establish complex collaborations. In this workshop Sylvia Brugman and Meghann Ormond offer us a sneak peek into some of the training methods used by CUCo to get out of our head and into the process. During this interactive and active workshop we learn to facilitate creating a safe space in a fun way. Not only useful in the setting we’ll be in during the GOH symposium, but you can use this approach in future collaborations, too. The insights will help you understand the challenges you may have in collaborations or team work.
Workshop option 2: One Health Collaborations - What makes or breaks an interdisciplinary project?
An important premise for interdisciplinary work is to understand how science works. What is a discipline? How have they emerged and changed over time? What is interdisciplinarity, and why is it important? Are there differences between natural-technical sciences and social science? In this workshop Cees Leeuwis and Harro Maat from the Knowledge, Technology & Innovation (KTI) group address these fundamental questions to help you reflect on your own discipline, and how this creates barriers as well as opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration. We will also discuss strategies that may be used to create conducive conditions for interdisciplinary work.
Round 2 of parallel workshops
Workshop option 1: Using visualisation in One Health research
After having created actionable results in your complex One Health project, how can you achieve optimal impact from your hard work? This workshop will provide you with tools to communicate complex research findings in visualisations to a diverse audience. The techniques that you will learn during this workshop can be useful not only to you, but also to a wide variety of the end-users of your work.
Good visual representation will make it easier for end-users (e.g., citizens, policymakers, researchers, NGOs) to understand and implement your research recommendations. This workshop therefore contributes to knowledge transition and ensures that your research findings will be translated into policy and practice.
Workshop option 2: Global One Health networking session – Connect for a Healthy Planet
Moderated by Dr Annabelle Daburon (Wageningen Centre for Innovation Development), Ms. Jackline Owili and Ms. Michou Weimar (Wageningen University)
Immerse yourself in a dynamic and hybrid experience to finish the Global One Health symposium with. This side-event will help expand the network of Global One Health practitioners, to people beyond those who are in Wageningen. The session will offer a platform for emerging professionals in the field of Global One Health to showcase their work, connect beyond institutional boundaries, and engage in thought-provoking debates. This side event will be presented in hybrid format. This gives us the opportunity to unite various communities, such as PhD candidates connected to the European One Health Association (EOHA, formerly the Med-Vet-Net Association), World Food Forum Transformative Research Challenge prize winners and GOH short course alumni.
The session comprises two integral components.
- A networking and profiling opportunity that utilises an online mapping tool will allow participants to present their current One Health projects through video, PowerPoint, or written documents. The map will require some preparatory work by participants, and will be viewable before the side event. It will serve as a dynamic platform for interaction, comments, and discussions.
- An interactive online session will explore ideas in One Health, encouraging participants to share viewpoints, learn about the latest developments, and identify resources and opportunities for funding and training. Facilitated through Zoom, the session will be interactive and engaging, by mentimeter quizzes and the promotion of the WFF Transformative Research Challenge and other relevant opportunities. Don't miss this chance to be part of an enriching exchange that will leave you inspired and better connected within the vibrant landscape of Global One Health, beyond Europe.
- For those who have registered or are yet to register for this workshop, some preparatory work is required. Click here for more information.
Click here to register for the workshop of your choice.
Global One Health Event 2024
Global One Health Event
Global One Health Event
Global One Health Event 2024Global One Health Event 20240.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Orion Building Wageningen CampusOrion Building Wageningen CampusBronland 1 6708WH Wageningen Netherlands