Acceptance of contributions
The Scientific committee will accept contributions for oral or poster presentation based on content and scientific quality.
Your scientific contributions will be published as conference paper in the IOBC-WPRS Bulletin preceedings. The Bulletin will be available on the meeting webpage and will be published by IOBC-WPRS just prior to the conference. There will be no printed book of abstracts. To allow a smooth and uniform submission process, all manuscripts must be submitted in MS Word using the IOBC-WPRS Bulletin template. To avoid unnecessary delays in the production of the Bulletin, authors are kindly requested to respect strictly the author instructions.
Manuscripts have to be uploaded on the conference webpage before 22 March 2023.
The presenting author must be a registered participant. Please note that the presenting author is not automatically registered by submitting a manuscript. Regular registration is obligatory and binding and implied payment of the registration fee.
The manuscripts should be written in English. Presenting authors can present a max of three contributions. The content should be clear, concise and have been revised by an experienced English speaker.
The following types of manuscript are accepted:
- Full paper (maximum 4 pages) (preferred)
- Extended abstract (maximum 2 pages)
- Abstract (maximum 1 page)
In order to submit your manuscript you need to create an author account. Click here to create your account and submit your contribution.
IOBC WPRS WUR 2023iobc-wprs-wur2023@wur.nl
IOBC WPRS WUR 2023IOBC WPRS WUR 20230.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Wageningen University & Research | OmniaWageningen University & Research | OmniaHoge Steeg 2 6708 PB Wageningen Netherlands