Monday 3 October
Autisme Belevingscircuit
09.30-12.00u - Atlas 1+2 (Wageningen Campus)
Altijd al eens willen ervaren waar mensen met autisme tegen aan kunnen lopen in het dagelijks leven?
Aan de hand van diverse praktische opdrachten beleef en ervaar je waar mensen met autisme tegen aanlopen en waar hun kwaliteiten zitten.
Tijdens dit autisme belevingscircuit (ABC-Circuit) voel, ruik, proef, hoor en zie je hoe jij signalen interpreteert en betekenis geeft. En hoe anders dat kan werken bij mensen met autisme. Ook worden er diverse tips gegeven over autismevriendelijkheid.
Deze workshop is voor iedereen die autisme wil ervaren en leren kennen. Hij is minder geschikt als je zelf bekend bent met autisme.
Hosted by: Wichert van den Brink
The Diversity Challenge, Do you DARE to care?
12.00-14.00hr - Speakerscorner Impulse (Wageningen Campus)
Let’s face it, the new catchphrase is diversity. It has crept into advertisements, lectures, policies, companies: In fact, every year many new jobs are being created all within the field of diversity management and inclusion.
But what is it all about? How does one possibly become more diverse? And by which means? Once we have become more ‘diverse’, then what?
This inspirational lecture/workshop to diversity week will take you through theoretical and practical origins of this term through the course of history with stories and experiences from the host Robin Bukenya. There is an unmatched power in a story: there is no one story or narrative that defines reality. The second part of the session will offer opportunities for stories to be shared. Which stories those will be, you will just have to come and see!
Hosted by: Robin Bukenya
Click here for more information on the DARE project.
Brown Eyes Blue Eyes - ''The Anatomy of Prejudice''
14.30-16.00hr - Online
Diversity: We all have to deal with it every day. In every company, at every level, in various forms. With the "Brown Eyes Blue Eyes" approach, Şeydâ guides you, as participants, to discover how to put these experiences into daily practice in a swift and effective manner.
Trainer: Seyda Buurman - Kutsal
Diversity & Inclusion Week 2022
Diversity & Inclusion Week
Diversity & Inclusion Week 2022diversity.inclusionweek@wur.nl
Diversity & Inclusion Week 2022Diversity & Inclusion Week 20220.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Wageningen University & ResearchWageningen University & ResearchDroevendaalsesteeg 4 6708 PB Wageningen Netherlands