Thursday 6 October
Autisme Belevingscircuit
09.30-12.00u - Atlas 1+2 (Wageningen Campus)
14.00-16.00u - Atlas 1+2 (Wageningen Campus)
Altijd al eens willen ervaren waar mensen met autisme tegen aan kunnen lopen in het dagelijks leven?
Aan de hand van diverse praktische opdrachten beleef en ervaar je waar mensen met autisme tegen aanlopen en waar hun kwaliteiten zitten.
Tijdens dit autisme belevingscircuit (ABC-Circuit) voel, ruik, proef, hoor en zie je hoe jij signalen interpreteert en betekenis geeft. En hoe anders dat kan werken bij mensen met autisme. Ook worden er diverse tips gegeven over autismevriendelijkheid.
Deze workshop is voor iedereen die autisme wil ervaren en leren kennen. Hij is minder geschikt als je zelf bekend bent met autisme.
Hosted by: Wichert van den Brink
DARE: Holding Spaces with Aminata Cairo
10.00-13.00hr - Plus Ultra 2 - Training room
Diversity and inclusion are current hot items, not only in academia, but from the work floor to the halls of government. There is a movement that includes awareness, conflict, exploration, struggling, and searching for new ways of doing things. Within academia, years of unequal educational experiences and student outcomes have contributed to an urgency to create a more optimal learning environment.
Aminata Cairo offers an engaging workshop that addresses the foundational skills necessary to successfully engage in any type of inclusivity activity. The goal of the sessions is to help people in their confidence and abilities to address diversity related situations whether they be one on one, in a group, on the work floor, or in the classroom.
Hosted by: Aminata Cairo
Klick here for more information on the DARE project.
Melolelo - Creative inclusion & diversity workshop
15.30-17.00hr - Forum V0031 + V0034 (Wageningen Campus)
It is often difficult to start a conversation on, for example, discrimination or women empowerment. It takes some courage to ask someone how they want to be addressed, or to broach the subject of colour or gender identity. We are often very afraid of not doing it right. We see the same fear in creative activities. Drawing and painting? I can't do that, can I?
In this workshop, artist Melolelo wants to show that fear is not necessary in either case. She likes to open up the conversation, because without communication, we won't get anywhere. And being creative? Everyone can be. In the workshop, you will decorate a beautiful print by Melolelo with fragile and unique materials such as gold foil & dried flowers. Melolelo's illustrations are about diversity and empowerment.
Do you want to discuss diversity and inclusion, and let your creativity run wild? Sign up now!
Hosted by: Melolelo
Joris Luyendijk - About privileges '7 vinkjes'
19.00-21.00hr - Omnia - Podium (Wageningen Campus)
In his new book "de zeven vinkjes" (seven ticks) Joris Luyendijk tries to come to terms with his own privileges. Joris is coming to WUR to tell about his book, and discuss priviliges in society. Hosted by: Saskia Paulissen |
Taste the Rainbow – A mile in my shoes storytelling night
20.00-22.00 - Theater de Wilde Wereld (Wageningen)
Our monthly storytelling night A mile in my shoes returns. This month we celebrate National Coming Out Day. Come and enjoy empowering, emotional and enjoyable tales of the LGBTQI+ community.
Hosted by: Heather ten Ham
Diversity & Inclusion Week 2022
Diversity & Inclusion Week
Diversity & Inclusion Week 2022diversity.inclusionweek@wur.nl
Diversity & Inclusion Week 2022Diversity & Inclusion Week 20220.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Wageningen University & ResearchWageningen University & ResearchDroevendaalsesteeg 4 6708 PB Wageningen Netherlands