Monday 4 October
Towards a Gender+-SMART WUR
Inspiration workshop & launch Gender+-SMART Award
10.00-11.15hr - Online
Let yourself inspire to work on achieving a more safe and respectful culture in the groups you work in.
For this purpose we launch the WUR Gender+-SMART Award each WUR group or team might gain.
An inspirational WUR group will present their efforts which we follow up in break-outs to further orientate and discuss what you might initiate. After plenary reports and discussion you will be ready to invest in a Gender+-SMART WUR and start nominating.
More info? Click here to send an email to the organizers.
Hosted by: WUR Gender-SMART
Lecture - Autism/ASD
12.00-13.00hr - Online
So many people, so many brains! Research shows that 1% of people have an autism spectrum disorder. Join this interactive lecture about ASD/Autism (part of neurodiversity) at work!
Guest speaker: a prominent autism ambassador.
Hosted by: Fenny Sofie de Lange and Wendy Haanschoten
Lecture - Speak up dear!
Stereotyping in the workplace
15.00-16.15hr - Online
Presenting yourself in front of or in a group is a great way to increase your professional visibility. But a woman who presents herself has to balance on a narrow beam. If she is too dominant, she will be rejected because she is not nice enough. If she is too nice again, she will not be taken seriously.
The lecture Speak up dear! shows you how to deal with this dilemma. With the help of video images, you will discover what determines charisma.
Why did Donald Trump convince and Hillary Clinton not? Which famous women visibly struggle with their authority?
You will also learn how you can invest not only in competence but also in warmth in order to maintain optimum support in your environment.
Hosted by: Farah Nobbe, Nobbe Meiras Trainingen
DARE Privilege game
16.00-17.30hr - Live on campus!
Understanding and acknowledging privileges is key to understanding why and how we react and perceive our surroundings.
DARE to challenge your perspectives in a playful and collaborative way.
Hosted by: Christina Cappello and Percy Cicilia Jr
Diversity Week 2021
Diversity Week
Diversity Week 2021diversity.week@wur.nl
Diversity Week 2021Diversity Week 20210.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Wageningen University & ResearchWageningen University & ResearchDroevendaalsesteeg 4 6708 PB Wageningen Netherlands