Wednesday 6 October
Interactieve Lezing - Plezier en voldoening in je werk of studie.
Voor hoogbegaafden, hoogsensitieven, multipotentialisten en andere neurodiversen
Nederlands - Live (Speakers Corner Impulse) en Online
In een inclusieve organisatie zijn medewerkers en studenten verschillend, maar wat als je niet bij de doorsnee hoort en buiten ‘het systeem’ valt? Wat als je een generalist bent in plaats van een specialist? Wat als je alles met alles verbindt en verder kijkt dan de visie van je team? Wat als een kantoortuin je gek maakt? Wat als je graag nieuwe initiatieven opzet, maar de herhaling al snel vervelend vindt? Hoe houd je dan plezier in je werk of studie? Ook interessant voor medewerkers en studenten die zich niet herkennen in de aangegeven neurodiversiteit.
In deze lezing vertelt Cor Meurs over zijn eigen ervaringen en houdt hij een spiegel voor: met humor en relativering, maar soms ook confronterend. Om uiteindelijk jouw ingang te vinden naar inspirerend en uitdagend werk en leren, waarin je verschil maakt.
Cor Meurs is trainer-coach bij Job Participation Support, hij noemt zichzelf een hoog gevoelige multipotentialist. Hij spoort medewerkers en studenten aan om met hun talenten en kwaliteiten te werken en te leven, en wil medewerkers en studenten inspireren om dicht bij zichzelf te blijven.
Discussion on film ‘Picture a Scientist'
Implicit bias in academia
English - Online
We provide for discussion in breakouts and plenary only; the film can be streamed and seen individually through a link we provide in advance.
In 1.30 hours the film illustrates the working of the deeply engrained picture of who is a scientist, a hidden playbook for academic success, and deep-rooted implicit bias in academic culture.
It overtly shows the resulting inequality in academia and the effects for women (black) scientists on their career and well-being.
It clearly illustrates with the metaphor of the iceberg how hard it is to detect and change since much does not come out visibly but grows below the surface.
The film ends with illustrating ways forward: acknowledgement and collaborative efforts.
See: ‘Picture a Scientist’
This 2020 film on US academia has fuelled many discussions worldwide. Today it is WUR time to familiarize with the film, and to examine and discuss what we can learn from it.
The film moves, provides persons and situations easy to identify with, evokes shared frustration and despair and also motivates to hope and collaboration.
More info? Click here to send an email to the organizers.
Hosted by: WUR Gender-SMART
Film & Discussion on film ‘Picture a Scientist'
Implicit bias in academia
English - Live and Online
We will see the film together and have discussion in small groups and closing plenary afterwards. If campus is not possible, we will turn to online.
In 1.30 hours the film illustrates the working of the deeply engrained picture of who is a scientist, a hidden playbook for academic success, and deep-rooted implicit bias in academic culture.
It overtly shows the resulting inequality in academia and the effects for women (black) scientists on their career and well-being.
It clearly illustrates with the metaphor of the iceberg how hard it is to detect and change since much does not come out visibly but grows below the surface.
The film ends with illustrating ways forward: acknowledgement and collaborative efforts.
See: ‘Picture a Scientist’
This 2020 film on US academia has fuelled many discussions worldwide. Today it is WUR time to familiarize with the film, and to examine and discuss what we can learn from it.
The film moves, provides persons and situations easy to identify with, evokes shared frustration and despair and also motivates to hope and collaboration.
More info? Click here to send an email to the organizers.
Hosted by: WUR Gender-SMART
Diversity Week 2021
Registration website for Diversity Week 2021Diversity Week
Diversity Week 2021diversity.week@wur.nl
Diversity Week 2021Diversity Week 20210.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Wageningen University & ResearchWageningen University & ResearchDroevendaalsesteeg 4 6708 PB Wageningen Netherlands