Friday 8 October
Masterclass Inclusion - What's in it for me? (for managers)
09.30-11.00hr - Online
Did you know that diversity without inclusion can do more harm than good? Inclusive leaders optimize team performance by effectively interacting with students and colleagues who are different, by leveraging individual’s unique strengths. Or said otherwise: identify and deal with your unconscious bias. It is the combination of organizational policy and personal activity that creates an inclusive culture that embraces diversity and integrates differences.
This masterclass helps managers to make their behavior more inclusive;
- We will give you insights on what Inclusion brings you
- 4 traits of inclusive behavior
- You’ll learn to apply the effect of inner & outer groups on inclusion
- Learn to gather situationally relevant information and make mindful (conscious) decisions, test your assumptions (keep agile in your learning)
Participants feel and experience the effect of unconscious biases. We use the model of Daniel Kahneman ‘Thinking fast & slow’ and real live experiences. A fun exercise gives you insight in the effect of thinking fast & slow.
Hosted by: Hélène Propsma and Louise Catan, Diversity Company
Interactive Talk - Pleasure and satisfaction in your job or study.
For Gifted People, High Sensitive Persons, multipotentialites and other neurodivergent
13.00-14.15hr - Online
In an inclusive organization, employees and students are different. But what if you don't belong to the average and you fall outside 'the system'? What if you are a generalist instead of a specialist? What if you connect everything to everything and look beyond your team's vision? What if an open office drives you crazy? What if you like to set up new initiatives, but find repetition quickly annoying? How do you keep pleasure in your work or study then? Also interesting for employees and students who do not recognize themselves in the indicated neurodiversity.
In this lecture, Cor Meurs talks about his own experiences and holds up a mirror: with humour and relativization, but sometimes also confrontational. To eventually find your way into inspiring and challenging work or study, in which you make a difference.
Cor Meurs is trainer-coach at Job Participation Support, he calls himself a highly sensitive multi-potentialite. He encourages employees and students to work and live with their talents and qualities, and wants to inspire employees and students to stay authentic.
Diversity Week 2021
Registration website for Diversity Week 2021Diversity Week
Diversity Week 2021diversity.week@wur.nl
Diversity Week 2021Diversity Week 20210.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Wageningen University & ResearchWageningen University & ResearchDroevendaalsesteeg 4 6708 PB Wageningen Netherlands