Thursday 7 October
Workshop Working hybrid and social safety
09.00-11.30hr - Online
English / Nederlands
When is hybrid work socially safe for you? When is it not? What agreements can you make with your colleagues to make hybrid working more pleasant? What issues do you come across in working online that you don't like? What works well in the combination offline/online? In a workshop with the confidential counsellors, we use case studies to explore how we can together ensure social safety in offline/online work. Are you coming too? We would love to meet you!
Hosted by: WUR confidential counsellors
Wanneer is voor jou het hybride werken sociaal veilig? Wanneer niet? Welke afspraken kun je met je collega’s maken om prettiger hybride samen te werken? Welke zaken kom jij tegen in het online werken die je niet zo prettig vindt? Wat werkt juist wel goed in de combinatie offline/ online? In een workshop met WUR vertrouwenspersonen verkennen we aan de hand van casuïstiek hoe we met elkaar kunnen zorgen voor sociale veiligheid in het offline/ online werken. Kom je ook? We ontmoeten je graag!
Georganiseerd door: WUR vertrouwenspersonen
LGBTQIANPT+ Alfabet Masterclass
Masterclass on gender & sexuality on the work floor
12.00-13.30hr - Online
Masterclass on gender & sexuality in the workplace.
In this masterclass 25 concepts are discussed, namely the LGBTQIANPT+ or Alphabet Masterclass.
- Our (normative) society – What does D&I mean, which minorities are there, how does inclusion and exclusion work and visible vs. invisible differences;
- Individual – which different sexual preferences and gender identities do we distinguish and how does this form part of your personality;
- The role of organizations – how do you create a psychologically safe workplace for everyone, “unwritten rules” and what does inclusive leadership mean?
Hosted by: Aynouk Tan, Corporate Queer
Lecture on functional impairment
14.00-15.00hr - Online
Studying with a functional impairment can be quite a challenge. During this event students will share their story about studying with a functional impairment, such as ADHD.
Are you curious to learn more about functional impairments, but did not know who to ask? Come and listen to the experiences of our students! They will share how they deal with it.
If you are curious about what kind of facilities WUR offers to students with a functional disability? One of our student deans will be present to answer your questions. Come and join our event!
Hosted by: Heather ten Ham and Lisa Nguyen
Interactive session DARE: SAFE and BRAVE spaces
19.30-21.30hr - Live on campus!
DARE to engage in difficult topics and challenge your perspectives. An introduction to Safe & Brave Spaces, you will leave the session with practical tools that you can start using today!
Hosted by: Percy Cicilia Jr and Christina Cappello
Diversity Week 2021
Diversity Week
Diversity Week 2021diversity.week@wur.nl
Diversity Week 2021Diversity Week 20210.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Wageningen University & ResearchWageningen University & ResearchDroevendaalsesteeg 4 6708 PB Wageningen Netherlands